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CropScan 3300H on Combine Grain Analyser

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Optimise Yield in the Field

The CropScan 3300H on Combine Grain Analyser measures protein, oil, starch and moisture in grains and oil seeds in real-time every 5 to 12 seconds when stripped in a combine harvester.

The CropScan 3300H includes:

  • a ruggedised NIR Analyser
  • a Remote Sampling Head
  • a Touch Screen Display

Grain drops into the remote sampling head, where it is trapped for a few seconds while light is passed through the sample. A fibre optic cable collects the transmitted light and sends it to the NIR spectrometer located inside the cabin. A Touch Screen tablet PC, mounted inside the cabin, controls the system and displays real-time protein, oil and moisture data. Data is collected and displayed on the Touch Screen PC, showing bin averages, field averages and real-time protein maps. The software sends the data to the internet, which can be monitored using a PC, Tablet or Smartphone.

The CropScan 3300H On Combine Analyser has been installed on John Deere, Case, New Holland, Claas, Massey Ferguson and Gleaner combines around the world.

Real-time Grain Quality

CropScan 3300H on Combine Analyser
  • Optimise Yield
  • Increase Harvest Efficiency
  • Improve Grain Logistics
  • Nutrient Management
Contact your local branch today
  • TAMWORTH - 02 6765 5244
  • GUNNEDAH - 02 6742 5777
  • HUNTER VALLEY - 02 6571 4249